ESAA Board of Directors Meeting

Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron, OH

October 15, 2013


In attendance:  Mary Coldiron, Kathy Cunningham-Roy, Tony DiSiena, Janet Gray, Judy Hunter, Susie Kerwin-Bush, Dave Mates, Bob Mellis, Carl Necker, John Neilsen, B.J. Parsons, Anna Quigley, Julie Quirk, Coleen Raber, Bob Stevens, Harvey Wooding.


The meeting called to order at 8:05am EDT.


Secretary’s Report:

·         Need a record of electronic voting results to appear in the minutes.

·         Contacted  by videographer/photographer for a press pass to Westminster in exchange for taking pictures/video of ES preparation and judging throughout the event.


President’s Report:

·         Some accomplishments in 2013:

            1.  Breed cards updated

            2.  Continuing judges seminars and presentations

            3.  Updated breed booklet ready for publishing

            4.  New people volunteering to help with ESAA positions

            5.  Giving more money to various initiatives…Sandy relief, health studies, etc.

            6.  Growth of FB page subscribers

            7.  Continuing growth of web site with past National Specialty winners

            8.  Health clinics at ESAA National

            9.  New constitution

           10.  Junior scholarships  

·         Committee chairs need to be aware of updated deadlines as included in the new constitution.

·         Kudos to committee chairs for doing such a great job in getting their reports completed in a timely manner. 

·         Pleased to see AKC supporting electronic balloting on some issues.  They also have outside organizations who will  tally electronic ballots of a more confidential nature.

·         ESCC borrowed our ESAA presentation of the breed standard and updated it to conform to their standard, and they were very appreciative of the excellent quality of ESAA’s presentation.  Harvey also commented that other parent breed clubs have been very impressed by our presentation as well.


Treasurer’s Report:

·         ESAA has been using QuickBooks as their accounting system, which is owned by ESAA.

·         Authorization was requested to arrange for a financial review of all ESAA Financial Books of Record every four years, or prior to a change of the Treasurer’s position.  A motion made by BJ Parsons, seconded by Susie Kerwin-Bush to approve the request.

·         Liabilities are up, partially due to financial initiatives, but also a great decline in Annual sales.

·         Addition to futurity….a donor gave money which is added to the futurity award which is to go to the futurity winner if the sire and dam have all CHIC health clearances.

·         Anyone who wishes to see any detailed report is welcome to request such from Mary.

·         Checks need to be sent to Mary in a more timely manner from a few committees...perhaps once a week.

·         A motion was made to approve the treasurer’s report on a Mates/DiSiena motion, and passed without objection.,


Report of Regional Vice Presidents

·         No report from MA, WC, NC, SP, WC

·         East Central gave a report on their regional specialties.  Michigamme had an excellent entry at their specialty.  Buckeye entries have been down.  Michigamme has been very active in field events as well.  ESCO is upset with not receiving notification that the Buckeye Specialty following the National has been moved to their region.

·         New England:  ESCNE has had a successful specialty show last weekend, and a number of supported entries throughout the year.

·         South East:  The Smoky Mountain English Setter Club has been approved by AKC, and has submitted a new member form to ESAA.

·         Please contact your regional clubs to encourage them to keep ESAA updated with a current contact person and your specialty/supported entry dates.


Committee Reports

·         Historian Update:  Carl has to go through the videos to see which ones need to be transferred to digital format on a priority basis.

            -Once videos are converted they might be able to be place in a video library on the

             web site.

            -Investigating both software and hardware to get the videos converted.

            -Intends to eventually create slide shows of regional specialty winners, Junior

             Showmanship winners, etc.

            -It was suggested that Carl investigate the cost of acquiring a storage unit for the

             physical repository of ESAA’s historical data.

·         Judges Selection:

            -Concern with the small number of participants in the process.

            -Members who coordinate their nominations efforts have been consistently able

            to get their suggestions on the ballot.

            -The number of participants, however, is in line with the number of members

            who participate in National level events.

            -The health of some judges has been a concern in not being physically able to

            follow through with a commitment at the National level.  The committee chair should ask

            any prospective judge if they need any special accommodations before their name

            appears on the final ballot.

            -There is room for negotiations on the final judges’ contracts.

            -Concern was expressed over the qualifications of judges in being offered a national level

             event.  Julie Quirk suggested forming an ad hoc committee to brain storm possible

            qualification requirement for National nomination eligibility.  Julie has been assigned to

            created such a committee, which will include the Judges Selection Committee chair.

            The report was approved on a Mates/Hunter motion and passed without objection.

            -Diane does a great job for ESAA on legislative issues.  Legislative issues are a

            continuing and growing concern.  The Board wishes a letter of commendation to be sent      to Diane on behalf of the Board for her diligence.

            The report was approved without objection on a Wooding/Mates motion

·         Medallion:

            -The Board previously approved a second free bowl for each regional specialty club, for        those who hold two specialties per year, beginning in 2014.

            -The Board previously approved a medallion for a CGC title.

            -A motion was made by Julie Quirk, seconded by Bob Stevens to have the plate for the

            2012 Silk Teddy Award winner replaced and engraved in the same exact format as all          previous winners.  The motion was passed without exception.

            -A Kerwin-Bush/Quigley motion was made to request the $12 reimbursement come from     the individuals responsible for the erroneous engraving, at the risk of becoming members

            not in good standing. A Kerwin-Bush/Parsons motion to accept the report was passed

            without objection.

·         Membership:

            -Rhonda Dillman, new membership chair, was introduced to the Board.

            -A motion was made by Bob Stevens and seconded by Dave Mates to authorize

             purchase of a data base program with training for the membership chair position.

            -A Wooding/Mates motion was passed without objection to approve the report.

·         Public Education: 

            -Materials for a display for public education/meet the breeds for the Jabitz Center and          Eukanuba meet the breeds is needed.  It needs to be easy to transport.  It is a work in

            progress. Susie Kerwin-Bush will see if her mother, Jan Borchardt, might be willing             to create something.

            -The Central Florida ESC has disbanded.  Therefore, ESAA needs a committee willing to

            create and staff a Meet The Breeds booth at the Eukanuba Invitational.  We need enough

            people to allow rotation at the booth.  Dates are December 14 and 15, 2013.           -           -Members who want breed cards to hand out to puppy buyers or for Meet the Breeds    should contact Julie Brimble at

            -A motion was made by Bob Mellis, seconded by Dave Mates to accept the report, and       was passed without objection.

·         Redistricting: 

            -Redistricting has to do more with Annual Awards regarding in which region members

            tend to show their dogs.

            -A concern was expressed as to the increasing size of the North Pacific Region.  Should

            NP be split?  This will be considered for a future recommendation….SP/MP/NP?  Or two

            NP reps?

            -The WC and SC VP”S have recommended moving al lof Missourri to the West Central.       A motion was made by Dave Mates and seconded by Judi Hunter to accepted the        recommendation.  It was approved without objection.

            -The EC/MA  VP’s created a definitive “line on the ground” for a definitive split for the PA      members who are in the EC.  A Stevens/Cunningham-Roy motion was made to accept

            the proposed of the new division between EC/MA, The motion passed by a 15-1 vote.          The Secretary will notify the three households affected.

            -A Quirk/Cunningham-Roy motion was made to have a new regional map created.  Julie      Quirk will lead this initiative.

            -Mates/Stevens motion to accept was passed w/o objection.

·         Web Site Committee: 

            -Added results of past ESAA National winners.

            -Hired Larry Coldiron as a new web site contractor, as well as Ethan Peterson as an

             assistant for occasional projects.

            -Added a new mobile app access for the web site.

            -Junior information and pictures will continue to be added to the web site.

            -Suggest keeping the Breeder Listing at $50 for 2014.

            -Dave wants to investigate creating a new web site that is easier to update and maintain,                 more flexible, maintain ease of navigation, maintenance of archives, etc.  We don’t want to be too specific to limit future technology possibilities.  Specs need to be developed for Board approval.

            -A Wooding/DiSiena motion was made accept the report.  It passed without objection.

·         Web Site Guidelines

            -New information must go through the for any changes.

            -Contractors who do projects for the Association must agree to turn over any domain           name which includes ESAA to the Association. A specific proposal on this issue will be             developed for approval by the Board.

            -A Hunter/Kerwin-Bush motion was made to accept the report and passes w/o objection.

·         Agility:

            -The Board wants to thank Donna Richardson for her work and organization of the   National Agility Trial. 

            -Michigamme will be hosting a National Agility Trial in 2014.  Other regional clubs are          encouraged to consider hosting a National Agility.

                        -Moved and accepted on a Wooding/Hunter motion.

·         National Specialty Guidelines:

            -The new guidelines now have a Table of Contents included.

            -Some cost limits are guidelines only.

            -The guidelines committee requested a realistic formula for determining the amount paid      to the host club for hospitality.  An amount of $2.50 per total entry beginning with 2014            was passed on a Cuningham/DiSiena motion without objection.

            -The guidelines for the Junior section still needs to be updated, including trophies, the         Best Junior trophy, etc.

            -Julie Bremser will be asked to take responsibility for engraving.

            -Donna Jordan will contact various committee chairs who need to be aware of possible        responsibilities. 

            -The ESAA/host club reconciliation will continue to be done by the ESAA treasurer.

            -The hotel contract is the first document to come down the pike.  Donna and her     committee are making serious changes which keep ESAA from going bankrupt.  For        some things like the number of room nights, insurance, banquet etc., Donna and her   committee need to be involved early.  By requiring Dave’s approval, we will avoid             serious problems. 

            -Host clubs will be told in the future that ESAA must be involved in hotel     negotiations/contract, premium list, and events schedule.  ESAA is willing to deal with all        of the negotiations if the host clubs does not wish to deal with that.

            -Donna, as National Specialty Guideline Coordinator, should be copied on communications, even though a respo0nse is not required.

            2014 National Update:

            -Kathy and her committee did a great job in finding a facility in the NY/NJ area.

            -New site will be in Matamoras, PA, just over the NJ line off route 84.

            -The plan is for an outdoor show October 21 - 24.  The hotel grounds are extensive and        beautiful.  The             banquet room is included in the price, so the show can be shifted to          indoors if a weather emergency is forecast.

            -The ballroom and all other meeting rooms were included in the contract price.

            -The room rate includes fully cooked breakfasts.

            -There will be a $10 per day per room pet fee, but no cleaning service charge.

            -The hotel allows outside food to be brought in for hospitality.  ESCNE and BESC have        offered to host a hospitality night.  NCESC has offered to run the raffle.  ESCNE has also    offered to organize trophies.

            -Having enough rooms available was raised as a concern.  There is an adjacent      Hampton Inn that does not allow dogs for non-dog attendees, and another hotel nearby           that will take dogs.  It was suggested that someone check with the Hampton to see if             they will accept dogs for this event only.

            The report on the Matamoras location hosted by Hudson was approved without objection     on a DiSiena/Wooding motion.

            2015 National Specialty Proposal - Michigamme English Setter Club

            -Initially took a look at Frankenmuth Bavarian Lodge. The show would have to be an            outdoor show.  Sandy Miller gave an overview of the lay-out for the Frankenmuth facility.

            There are some non-negotiable costs to holding a show at this location:  tent rentals,          rental of park facilities, generators, port-a-pots, etc.  Banquet facility and meeting rooms             will be free, and possibly a hospitality area.

            -Most of the expense would be in tenting costs. Absolutely no dogs will be permitted in       any area of the   hotel that serves food.

            -There is a pavilion on site that would be available throughout the week, but not on the         weekend.

            -Returning to Sawmill Resort is also a possibility.

            -The Board can give MESC a little more time to finalize a recommendation.

            -The proposed dates are September 30 - October 2, 2015, and are tentatively available        at both facilities.

            -The BOD is grateful for the proposal from Sandy and Michigamme.

·         National Field Trial:

            -We have not been able to come up with a resolution to the demands of the National           Field Trial Committee.

            -AKC has a person who has been proactive in field and performance events, George            Lundjum, who would be able to assist ESAA in moving forward with field events.

·         ESAA Store:

            -No report at this time, but noted the approval of Tyler Mills as the new ESAA Store chair.

·         Field Events Committee:

            -This standing committee would be a group from among ESAA members who have an         interest and experience in field events who can keep ESAA Events updated with field    events offered by various regional clubs, as well as coordinate future ESAA field events.

            -Mary was asked to seek some members who might be interested in serving on this           committee.

            -The report was moved by Dave Mates and seconded by BJ Parsons to create this standing committee.

·         February Specialty Committee is now the Winter Garden Specialty, LLC:

            -For 2014 the specialty shows will be held at the West Chester Hilton.

            -There are 7 clubs who have expressed interest in this venture.

            -It is a smaller, more affordable facility, which should result in a more profitable outcome.

            -All clubs involved will be required to pay a one-time $500 fee to be part of the         organization.

            - The dates will be ESCNE Feb. 7, HESC Feb. 8, ESAA Feb 9.

            -Once WGC has the guidelines completed, ESAA will be informed of the parameters.

            -A Mates/DiSiena motion was approved w/o exception to accept the report.

·         Futurity/Maturity:

            -Policy of the communication of entries received has received positive feedback.

            -Report was approved on a Parsons/Hunter motion w/o objection.

·         Newsletter:

            -Deadlines have not been honored by some of the contributors. This problem will be            addressed by the newsletter editor.

            -Lisa Moreau was lauded for her work on the great newsletter lay-out each month.

            -Ideas for promoting the newsletter are always welcome.

            -A DiSiena/Stevensmotion to accept the report was passed unanimously.

·         Standing Rules:

            -Guidelines need to be created by various committees and events, to be maintained by       the Standing Rules Chair, Julie Quirk.  Committee guidelines could then be an addendum        to the Standing Rules.

            -The motion was approved without objection was made by Judy Hunter and seconded by     Susie Kerwin-Bush.

·         AKC Delegate Report:

            -Concern was expressed in the past over the dramatic decrease in registrations putting       AKC in financial jeopardy.  AKC’s position seems to be stabilizing within the last few          years.

            -Legislative and public relations threats continue to be a major concern.  AKC is lacking      in the funds necessary to compete with its opponents, but has the membership numbers.

            That could make a difference if they chose to become more active in these areas of            concern.

            -ESAA membership is strongly encouraged to have its breeders register their litters with      AKC.

            -AKC is considering adding a health component to the requirements for becoming a            Breeder of Merit, but it is slow in evolving.  Currently many parent clubs’ code of ethics do          not include a health component.

            -ESAA is hoping that the AKC includes the parent clubs in any upcoming decisions.

            -The elected delegates have a very difficult time getting their ideas acted on by the 13         member Board.

            -A motion was made by Bob Stevens and seconded by Bob Mellis to accept the report.  It   was passed without objection.

            -The AKC’s new Pet Disaster Program was shared with the Board.  A motion was made      by Dave Mates and seconded by Kathy Cunningham-Roy to donate $5,000 toward this            program. After discussion regarding the source of the funds, it was determined to be an    excellent use of ESAA’s rescue fund. The motion was passed without objection.




Old Business

·         Futurity/Maturity committee:  needs another year to come up with a viable proposal.

·         Rescue

-ESAA is having difficulty coming up with volunteers to continue with the Rescue Trust.

-As ESSART is dissolving, the funds will be directed to  Above and Beyond English Setter rescue.

-The Board will be receiving some information on Above and Beyond English Setters for future donation considerations.

·         Top 20 Event

-This was originally brought up by several of our members who have had experience with this concept in other breeds.

-There are many parent breed clubs who include this as part of the National.

-The purpose is to have another opportunity to display the top conformation winners in our breed.

-It is a celebration of the accomplishments of the top winners in our breed from the previous year.

-It will be based on AKC events.

-It will be judges by an experienced panel of 3 judges, whose names will remain confidential until the event.

-The target date will be for the 2014 National, just before veteran sweepstakes.

-A motion was made by Bob Stevens and seconded by Tony DiSiena to initiate this event for 2014.

·         James Haring Award:

-The language of the will indicates that a “cup” must be given to the BOB winner each year until the bequest runs out

-A motion was made by Susie Kerwin-Bush and seconded by Judy Hunter to follow the language of the will with a cup as long as the bequest lasts.  Mary Nowak will be asked to check into the possibility of a cup being ordered when the bowls are ordered for the National.

·         Dick Fox Challenge Trophy:

-Bob Mellis proposed .  A motion was made by   and passed without objection to accept Bob’s proposal.

·         Annual Storage:

-The overruns on publication of the Annuals has become a storage problem, and they are become worthless in value.  ESAA will have to pay an exorbitant shipping cost to get all of them to the new ESAA Store chair.

-A Kerwin-Bush/Hunter motion to recommend keeping a box of 10 each year to be designated for the ESAA Store passed without objection.

·         CHIC:  Recommendation to include thyroid testing for inclusion as a requirement for a CHIC certificate.

-50 dogs have been registered for the thyroid test at this year’s National.

-A motion was made by Harvey Wooding to add thyroid to the CHIC requirement, with the recommendation to retest every two years.  It was seconded by Tony DiSiena. Mates,Quigley Hunter, Parsons, Stevens, Kerwin-Bush, Coldiron Necker, Mellis, and Wooding voted in favor; Gray, Raber, Quirk, Cunningham-Roy.voted against.  The motion was passed on an 11 - 4 vote, and will be added to the CHIC requirement as of January 1, 2014.  It was noted that the votes against the motion were not against thyroid testing, but it was felt that there is still insufficient information on thyroid problems in English Setters to be included as a CHIC requirement.



New Business


·         Walking Trial:

-Frank Luksa has proposed a walking field trail for pointing breeds, May 3 and 4, 2014 with a committee of members experienced in field events.

-Sponsors would be requested for various awards.

A Mates/Cunningham-Roy motion was passed to approve the event without objection.


·         Michigan Sporting Dog Association/ESAA Specialty

-ESAA is permitted to hold 3 specialty shows per year.

-The Michigamme ESC has offered to chair this specialty show in conjunction with the MSDA show.

-A Wooding/Mates motion was made to see a proposal from the MSDA/Michigamme for further consideration.  It passed without objection.

·         Clinics:

·         Thyroid Study:

-A Stevens/Disiena motion was passed without objection for Dr. Dodds to be contacted by Michelle Raisor, or to investigate a possible thyroid study for English Setters using Dr. Dodds extensive data base.


A motion was made Harvey Wooding and seconded by Bob Mellis to adjourn at 4:35.



Respectfully Submitted,


Coleen M. Raber

Coleen M. Raber





