ESAA Board of Directors Meeting – Via Teleconference

September 18, 2013



In attendance:  Mary Coldiron, Kathy Cunningham-Roy, Janet Gray, Anna Harlow, Judi Hunter, Susie Kerwin-Bush, Dave Mates, Bob Mellis, Carl Necker, John Neilsen, B.J. Parsons, Anna Quigley, Julie Quirk, Coleen Raber, Bob Stevens.


The meeting called to order at 8:06 EDT.


AKC Gazette: The Board had given prior approval for the Gazette articles to put on the web site or in the newsletter.  The Board wishes to thank Jill for her continuing excellent job as the AKC Gazette columnist.  Dave Mates made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Julie Quirk, and approved without objection.


ESAA 2012 Annual:  There has been an increase in the number of color ads in the 2012 ESAA Annual. The numbers for the Annual ads should be finalized by the next conference call.  There was discussion about possibly going forward with paid business ads in the future which will hopefully allow the ESAA membership to purchase it at a lower price. Dave Mates made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Julie Quirk, and approved without objection.


ESAA Annual Awards:  Runner up awards which are not picked up will be mailed out by the secretary.  The Board would like to thank Peggy Dunsmuir for volunteering to help Judy Mates with the tabulation of the awards.  A few lines will be added to the awards application to clarify that the amateur/owner/handler group wins do not count toward awards points.


The issue of the engraving of the Silk Teddy award was brought up and will be discussed in conjunction with the Haring report.


A motion was made by Anna Harlow and seconded by Dave Mates to accept the report. It was approved without objection.


ESAA Junior Presentation:  Janet commented that ESAA has made great strides in moving forward with our Juniors’ program over the last few years.  Discussion occurred regarding having mentors for the Juniors from their own region.  This idea was positively embraced by the Board.  It was also suggested that some of our “recently graduated” juniors would also be excellent mentors for our current Junior members.


The Board is interested in having the committee pursue ideas for publicizing recognition for Juniors, and ways we might be able to use the web site and/or social media to promote our Juniors.


There was a motion made by Judi Hunter, seconded by Susie Kerwin-Bush to accept the Junior Presentation report, with a focus on encouraging publicity and developing a mentoring program.  The motion was passed without objection.


ESAA Junior Report:  The Board discussed some of the ideas contained in the report.  Juniors learning to steward, a field trip for Juniors at the National (time permitting), Juniors having social opportunities to learn more about one another, opportunities to have discussions with member-judges and handlers were a few of the ideas that were highlighted in the discussion.  Younger children who are our “future juniors” were included last year and it was very well received.


The schedule was discussed to try to find times to have Junior Showmanship competition at the National so that they have a larger audience to support their efforts.


There was discussion about where the funds need to come from for the Junior trophy for the National.  It needs to be a separate line item from the general account related to the National.


A motion was made by Julie Quirk and seconded by Anna Harlow to accept the report.  It passed without objection.


There was a committee proposed to serve on the Junior scholarship program.  A motion was made by Anna Harlow and  seconded by Dave Mates to accept the following committee members:  Julie Bremser, chair; Wendy Johnson, Carl Sillman, Susie Kerwin-Bush, Shaun Jordan, Colleen Bell and Lindsey Cook.  It was passed without objection.



Financial Report:  The National Specialty, National Field Trial and National Agility Trial results were all added to the report this year.  Dave Mates was very complimentary of the efficient job Donna Richardson and her committee had done with organizing the National Agility Trial.


The futurity/maturity split that was designated for prize money has been increased, and the balance for ESAA is still in great shape.


The budget for the 2013 National has still not been finalized.


AKC’s club relations felt there might be a potential conflict of interest if the chair of the finance committee is also a member of the Board.  The ESAA Board will be prepared to discuss the issue at the next tele-conference to seek a resolution.



A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Anna Quigley and seconded by Mary Coldiron.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.



Respectfully submitted,



Coleen M. Raber


Coleen Raber

ESAA Secretary




ESAA Board of Directors Meeting – Via Teleconference

October 2, 2013



In attendance:  Mary Coldiron, Kathy Cunningham-Roy, Tony DiSiena, Janet Gray, Dave Mates, Bob Mellis, Carl Necker, John Neilsen, B.J. Parsons, Anna Quigley, Julie Quirk, Coleen Raber, Bob Stevens, Harvey Wooding..



The meeting called to order at 8:05 EDT.


Finance Committee: John Neilsen checked that it is NOT an AKC requirement that the Chair not be a member of the Board as previously thought. The ESAA Board, however, in 2009, approved the recommendation that the Chair not be a member of the Board.  Don Coller has volunteered to join the Finance Committee for the upcoming year. The Board discussed having Don work closely with Dave for a transition period of a year, until the 2014 meeting of the Board.


Mary suggested that our financial records be audited by an outside party.  Mary and Dave will get together to clarify the issue as part of the treasurer’s report.


Health and Genetics:  The report noted the recommendation that the contributions toward our current five grants be increased from $2000 to $2500 for 2013, which had previously been approved by the Board.


Harvey was given the task of finding health projects that were of benefit to English Setters.  He reported that he has several lines of inquiry started, and that he would like to reserve some funds to pursue some of these initiatives.


Mary Coldiron moved to accept the report. The motion was seconded by Dave Mates, and approved without objection.



Historian:  The Board expressed appreciation for the time and effort to put the past National Specialty winners on the ESAA web site.


The Board requested that Carl get an estimate of the cost to convert the VHS tapes of past Nationals and Combined specialties, as well as other important specialty shows, to digital files.  The discussion also included the possibility of investigating the cost of a piece of equipment that would allow all of ESAA’s VHS library to gradually be converted.


A Mates/Coldiron motion was made to have Carl investigate an estimate of funds for portable display cases for historical displays at National shows as well as any regional club that would request borrowing the display.


The Board is requesting that the past Best of Breed winners be listed in the National Specialty catalog.


The historian’s report was approved without objection on a DiSiena/Mates motion.



ESAA Hunt Test: The establishment of the specific ESAA Hunt Test was clarified for the newer members of the Board.  The ESAA Hunt Test report was approved without objection on a Mates/Mellis motion.


Judges’ Education: The Board wishes to arrange an annual meeting of mentors to evaluate how the program is working.


There is now some reimbursement offered for exhibitors who are willing to bring their English Setters to participate in the seminars.


The report was passed on a Mellis/Mates motion without objection.



The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 on a Mates/Mellis motion.




Respectfully submitted,



Coleen M. Raber


Coleen Raber

ESAA Secretary




Judges Selection:




Public Education:


Web Site:

James Haring Fund:

AKC Delegate:

National Specialty Coordinator:





Coleen M. Raber


Coleen Raber

ESAA Secretary