ESAA Annual Meeting
Sawmill Creek Resort, Huron, OH
October 18, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 8:50 pm.
Attendance: 148 members
Canada: 10 East
Central: 25
Atlantic: 24 North Central: 8
New England: 8 North
Pacific: 15
South Central: 10 South
East: 13
Pacific: 5 West Central: 30
President’s Report: Janet
highlighted 10 accomplishments made by ESAA over the past year.
1. Junior scholarships
2. Passed the new ESAA Constitution and By-Laws
3. Updated breed cards
4. New breed book to be published,
and an updated breed page for AKC.
5. Health clinics at this year’s National
6. Continuing judges
seminars and presentations
7. New people becoming involved with ESAA
8. Continued financial support for research
9. Disaster relief for Sandy
10. Growth of Facebook page and addition of
National Specialty winners to web site
Secretary’s Report: none
Treasurer’s Report: none
Presentation of the President’s Above and Beyond Award: Sandy Miller was honored for her work and
dedication to ESAA.
Motion to Adjourn: Made by
Lisa Moreau and seconded by Sandy McCue at 9:10 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Coleen M. Raber
Coleen M. Raber